Meet The Team

Posted: Friday 26th April 2024

Meet The Team

Our team of skilled, experienced, professional and dedicated staff members are committed to delivering not just a house but a home to over 300 families a year.

Today we're introducing you to our Health & Safety Manager, Chris.

Let's find out more about him;

How long have you worked at Foreman Homes? Three and a half years - I joined the company in November 2020.

What's your favourite thing about your job? Without sounding like a cliche, finding out everyone has gone home safe to their families and loved ones.

Describe Foreman Homes in 3 words? Supportive, cultivating, enjoyable.

If you could swap jobs with anyone else in the business, who would it be and why? I wouldn't! I enjoy my job and wouldn't find anything else as rewarding as what I do.

What's the best advice you've ever received? From my dad, RIP - "Don't worry about what people think of you son, if you wanted to be liked you would have joined the circus".

What do you think if the most important skill you bring to your role? An eye for detail.

What's something you can't get through the day without? A cup of Yorkshire tea - and yes, it has to be Yorkshire!


Where would your first holiday be if you won the lottery tomorrow? If...IF... the Ashes were being held in Australia, I would fly straight over to watch the cricket.

What's the last film you saw at the cinema? Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1

Finally, which Foreman Homes house would be first on your list to buy? It's a tough decision but I would have to say one of our four bedroom homes at Selborne Park in Alton. They have the best views!