Spring Cleaning Essentials – Our top tips to freshen your home!

Spring Cleaning Essentials – Our top tips to freshen your home!

Posted: Wednesday 20th March 2024

Spring Cleaning Essentials – Our top tips to freshen your home!

With Spring officially here and the gloomy winter months becoming a distant memory, now is the perfect time to start your spring clean and get your home ready for sunnier days!

A spring clean should be more than just your weekly trip round with a hoover and polish – this is your chance to get in all the nooks and crannies that get forgotten about for the rest of the year.

Not sure where to start? Our checklist will make sure you tackle all the areas needed to give your home a new lease of life without reaching for the paintbrushes or wallpaper.

  1. Daunted by the thought of cleaning your house from top to bottom? Create a cleaning checklist to work out which rooms to address in what order and use your phone timer to help keep yourself on track. Breaking the task down into bite size chunks will ensure you don't lose momentum halfway through.
  2. When you're doing your initial clean, make sure you wipe down and dust any surfaces before you hoover and mop to avoid spreading dirt onto a freshly cleaned floor.
  3. Using bin bags can mean the inside of your bin becomes a forgotten haven for germs and bacteria. Use your spring clean as a chance to sanitise and rinse your bin, finishing off with a sprinkle of baking soda to keep it smelling fresher for longer.
  4. Spring cleaning your entire home can be daunting enough without working from cluttered spaces. Use this opportunity to declutter your rooms and donate any unwanted items to charity – this will help your clean to go smoothly and you'll be contributing to a worthwhile cause.
  5. Looking for a way to clean your microwave naturally? Put a few slices of lemon in a bowl of water and heat for 4 minutes. Any grime in the microwave will just wipe away and the lemons will help keep your whole room smelling fresh for Spring.
  6. Banish any mould or mildew in your bathroom to keep it looking brand new without the effort of reapplying silicon and grout. There are various cleaning products available for this but if you want a more natural option, use a solution of white vinegar and water and leave it to sit for 30 minutes or more before scrubbing away using a soft cloth or toothbrush.
  7. The trick to smear free windows and mirrors could come from a surprising source – newspapers! Clean your surface with water and then use balls of scrunched up newspaper to wipe and dry and the result is clean smudge free glass with no harsh chemical cleaners.
  8. If pet hair is getting on your nerves but your hoovering can't keep up with demand, there's an easy way to remove it from fabric and sofas. Dig out your rubber gloves and slightly dampen them before wiping the fabric – the gloves will pick up any loose pet hair that can simply be rinsed off to repeat the process as often as necessary.
  9. Struggling with low water pressure in your shower? Don't skip cleaning your showerhead when you tackle the bathroom – depending on the water in your area, it can be easy for them to become clogged or blocked with limescale. The easiest way to do this is to detach your shower head then place it in a plastic bag filled with a mixture of white vinegar and water. Leave it for 30 minutes then rinse, reattach and your water pressure should be as good as new.
  10. Sick of dusting every week? Use a dryer sheet to rub down any furniture, blinds and electronics. The antistatic material will help to keep dust away and keep your home dust free for longer!

We hope you've found our tips useful and are feeling ready to make this year's spring clean a successful and stress-free one!