Can a new build save you money on your energy bills?

Can a new build save you money on your energy bills?

Posted: Thursday 7th March 2024

Can a new build save you money on your energy bills?

With the cost of energy bills continuing to be a point of worry for people and inflation still on the rise, we are all looking for ways to cut costs where we can.

With the Spring Budget announcement declining to mention any major changes designed to counteract high energy bill costs, it could be time to look closer to home for how you can keep yours as low as possible.

We all know the major benefits of buying a new build; getting a home that you can put your personal touch on, brand new appliances and being part of a new growing community. Did you know that buying a new build can also significantly lower your energy bill costs and help contribute to a greener style of living?

Let's look at how, equipped with energy-saving installations like heat pumps and solar panels, new build homes can make this possible.

Energy Saving Installations

New build homes often come with the latest energy saving features included, making them more eco friendly and energy efficient than older properties. Here are just a few energy saving additions that you can find in new homes;

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are the greener sibling to traditional heating systems. They absorb the heat from the air or ground surrounding your home and use it to heat the building and its water. Due to their extreme efficiency, they are able to provide the same amount of heat as a traditional system while using much less energy – saving you money on your heating costs, particularly if you are replacing an electric heating system.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular addition to new build homes. By converting sunlight to energy, this renewable source can reduce your reliance on the National Grid and lower your energy bills. Due to the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), you can also earn money by returning the unused energy generated by your solar panels back to the grid.

Improved Insulation

As the houses are newly built, one key thing that you will benefit from is the fact they comply with the latest building regulations which means the insulation will be higher quality compared to older properties. By keeping your home well insulated, it will stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer which means you will need to spend less money regulating the temperature throughout the year.

By considering a new build, you are not only keeping your own energy costs down but as the UK and rest of the world moves towards a greener future, you're also future proofing your property. As you start your journey to buying a home, it's prudent to consider these benefits alongside the multiple others than come with a new build.

Ready to take the first step? At Foreman Homes, we pride ourselves on our energy saving installations and your new greener home is ready and waiting for you.